I love it.
That is all.
(Photo taken from this blogger who borrowed it from Gray's Anatomy.)
On living, loving, learning, and fucking with the materials I've got at hand.
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Loving your clitoris is a good thing!
It is perhaps the most meaningful relationship we ever have!
~ nina
I agree.
It's such an exciting part of the body, and so many people don't even know that much about it!
Gotta spread the clit love.
In the hands of someone who knows what they're doing with it (your own or another's), it is indeed an awesome piece of equipment. A piece who's sole reason for existence is to send us into a condition where time seems to stop and everything is right with the world for a few brief seconds (or almost a minute if you're like me).
time seems to stop and everything is right with the world
All the more reason to masturbate (or play with someone else's if you don't have your own) and learn more and more about what to do with it. :-D
All the more reason to masturbate (or play with someone else's if you don't have your own) and learn more and more about what to do with it. :-D
By far my favorite way to play with my clit... sharing her with someone else who has one! :P
- nina
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