I don't remember the first time I saw a hard cock in person. That's not because I've been exposed to them for my whole life or anything. I do know when it happened, when I first caught a glimpse at that poking manly appendage. I was fifteen and I had a new boyfriend.
What I don't remember is seeing it, or my reaction, or what I did with it. I didn't know this was the date of my first cock-sighting until years later, when I was talking to my ex.
"Oh yeah, well, we had oral sex on our first date, too."
"Oh really? I'd forgotten that."
I know, though, that this was the first time I saw an erect dick in person. I guess I'd seen enough of them on the internet at that point that it wasn't that remarkable to me. Yeah, I'm sure I enjoyed his reaction when I messed with it, but I didn't particularly like the thing. And that's been my relationship with The Cock for a long time. Yeah, they're kind of weird. They twitch and shit, and they're hard under the skin and soft on top. I like them inside me, I like them in my mouth, I like playing with them, but visually and psychologically they never did that much for me.
Until recently. Maybe I'm just hornier lately because I've been getting a lot of play. Maybe I've just been around some attractive cocks. Could be I was repressing my inner cock love and I'm finally comfortable to let it out. In any case, I can't get enough of them these days.
I like the way they look. I like their texture. I like the taste (although I'm still not a huge cum-taste fan). I like the balls, their weight and the way there is extra skin surrounding the little egg-shaped testes inside. I like the way you can feel the bulb of the penis running under the balls, through to the other side. I like how that gets hard, too, and I can play with it. I like the tight skin on the pelvis around the penis, the soft hair.
Dick colors are fascinating; I like the veins under the surface and the way the head is often slightly differently colored than the shaft. I like the seam that runs along the bottom of the shaft, particularly near the top where it bunches up in that little dip at the bottom of the head. I like the way my fingers or my lips catch on the edge of the head when I'm pulling them upwards on a cock.
I like it all. Yay cocks!
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