Birthday Post

It's my birthday today, and I am now 22. Whoo!

Actually, I'm not feeling particularly excited or sad or whatever or anything about this birthday. It kind of just is. I like getting older, as I always hated the way people would ignore what I was saying because I was young, or seem generally suspicious of my intentions. I've noticed that happening less and less, and it's awesome.

Mostly, for me, this birthday means the end of my medical insurance coverage by my parents and the beginning of my "real" adult life. That's something I've been grappling with for a while now, and I'm finally starting to come to terms with it. The concept of independence is still a little freaky (I'm lucky I've had someone to depend on so that's the case), but I'm starting to pull things in order. It feels pretty good.

So happy birthday to me!


Unknown said...

The sentiment is shared, even at two years older. The "'real' adult life" part of it anyway. I'm not sure I ever will "grow up" but I'm also not sure that's a bad thing.

Randall Munroe seems to agree, and as always, he captures the sentiment far better than I can.

Happy Birthday :)

On living, loving, learning, and fucking with the materials I've got at hand.

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